Ran across these technological tid-bits, and thought I'd share them with the Nation. They're Four Things you probably didn't know about Cellular Phones, and I thought they were pretty interesting, even though I'm not the biggest cell phone enthusiast in the world.
As many of you know, I'm not the easiest guy to get a hold of. And, actually, I like it that way, for the most part. I travel a lot, I'm driving, or I'm grabbing some much deserved sleep or quiet Me Time, and the phone rings. I hated that disturbance thirty years ago, and I hate it now with phones that go everywhere I do. The Wife made me get one, after quite honestly some fairly excellent whining on my part against the whole idea. However, "There may be an emergency" was the winning argument. And I am, obviously, the only person who can save us from whatever emergency looms ahead, so I must be able to be reached. So rest easy, America. When Commissioner Gordon calls, I will be on it. That is, if I'm within the coverage area.
See, it's not that I'm antisocial. It's just...well...I don't want you to get ahold of me no matter where I am. I'm a firm believer that, when my phone rings, I don't have to answer it. Fairly sure that's why God created answering machines. And I don't feel that makes me a bad person, an inconsiderate person, or a selfish person. There are dozens of other reasons as to why I'm bad, inconsiderate, and selfish, and my phone etiquette is way at the bottom of that list.
And I don't need to text anyone. Jesus, that crap is destroying a whole semester of 11th Grade Personal Typing skill. No one has respect for the Home Keys anymore. And I don't need music. I don't need games. I don't need the Internet. I don't need to Twitter while in line at the movies, or race Mario Carts while I'm waiting for an elevator. I don't need a phone to placate nor pacify me. I don't need it to entertain me. I don't need it to broadcast my every random thought to my friends and coworkers and any stranger who Googles me. (That's what a blog is for.) When I'm bored, and that's a rarity, I make my own fun. My phone is not some magic wizard that suddenly grants me access to noise and bright colors to occupy my time. It is not some crystal ball allowing me to see things I might otherwise miss and tragically die without. No, I need a phone to make a call where I want and when I need it to. And they can't seem to get that little bit of technology nailed down yet. Calls fade out, drop off, or are so static-ridden you might as well be talking to a Cuisinart. Swear to you, rotary phones made in 1973 had better and more reliable sound quality than these pocket playthings they make now! Unreliable in almost every situation. What I need is a tin can on a string that goes directly to 911, that's what I need.
But I digress. How unlike me. The Tid-Bits. Yes. Here they are. Give them a try and see how they work for you.
1. Emergency! - The emergency number is always 911, as most people know. But, if you're out of your coverage area or your mobile network, dial 112. That's the Worldwide Emergency Number, and it should work everywhere.
2. Hidden Power! - Out of juice and need to call the boss? Press the keys *3370# and your cell phone will restart with a reserve of up to 50% of your battery life.
3. Free Directory Service - There are several out there, including Google's 1-800-GOOG-411, but try 800-FREE-411 without incurring any charge at all.
4. Open Sesame! - This one I thought was a hoot! Locked your keys in your car? Got a spare set at home? Before you call AAA (you've got AAA, right?), try this. Call someone at home on their cell phone (or on a land line and tell them to call you back using their cell). Hold your cell phone up to the car door and have the person at home press the "unlock" button on your spare set of keys. Presto! Your car door should unlock.
I got these from a very reliable source, so they should work. If not, call me. Oh, if I don't pick up, try leaving a message. Or shoot me a comment back. I'll be here. Playing Mario Cart.
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